Interior noise field of a viscoelastic cylindrical shell excited by TBL pressure fluctuations:Ⅱ. finite hydrophone and array
Graphical Abstract
Finite hydrophone and hydrophone array are the wave vector filter and can reduce the flownoise. This paper investigates the responses of the cylindrical area hydrophone and two-circular areahydrophone in viscoelastic cylindrical shell to the TBL (turbulent boundary layer) pressure fluctuations.Appling the method based on the wavenumber frequency analysis, we derive: 1) The power spectraldensity of noise for a single hydrophone. 2) The space correlation of noise for two hydrophones. 3) Thepower spectral density of array noise. The dependences of the noise reduction on the hydrophone shape,dimensions, numbers and separation of hydrophones of array were calculated by numerical integration.The wideband and narrowband correlations for two hydrophones were also calculated. The numericalresults show that hydrophone array can effectively reduce the interior noise.