

Cluster restricted despreading method of long-range pilot-free orthogonal multicarrier spread spectrum communication in deep sea

  • 摘要: 针对深海远程水声通信, 提出了一种基于信道先验的簇约束无导频扩频解扩算法。该算法利用深海远程声道轴通信信道结构随时间缓变特性, 将序列检测提取的簇区域信息作为无导频信道估计算法中无导频扩频解扩的约束信息, 对信道区域与非信道区域进行区分, 充分利用信道结构信息和扩频码正交性对接收信号进行解扩。实测信道仿真和海试结果表明, 在深海远程声道轴信道条件下, 所提算法性能优于传统信道均衡解扩结果, 相较于无导频信道估计方法, 所提算法可以在不进行后续迭代信道均衡的情况下得到最优结果, 在降低算法计算复杂度的同时, 平均误码率降低1~2个数量级。


    Abstract: A cluster-restricted pilot-free spread spectrum despreading algorithm is proposed for long-range underwater acoustic communication in deep sea. Utilizing the characteristic that the deep-sea channel structure changes slowly within a period of time, the channel prior cluster area information obtained by the pre-transmission pilot sequence is used as the constrain in the first step of pilot-free channel estimation (PFCE) algorithm to divide the channel estimate result into channel and non-channel regions. The experimental results show that the proposed method outperforms the traditional channel equalization despreading algorithm, and has a significant improvement compared to the PFCE algorithm. Compared with the PFCE, the proposed method can reach the better performance without subsequent iterative channel equalization, lower the computational complexity, and reduce the average bit error rate by 1 to 2 orders.


