Experimental analysis of acoustic propagation and source localization based on the underwater acoustic glider in Eastern Indian Ocean
摘要: 常规实验方法无法同步获取深海大尺度声学和水文数据,水下滑翔机可作为同步观测平台解决该问题.首先利用在东印度洋北部海域水下滑翔机同步获取的声传播和水文实验数据,分析了水下滑翔机的自噪声谱级和实验海区声传播特性,然后推算并修正了滑翔机水下运动轨迹,利用第一影区水下滑翔机接收声传播信号的脉冲多途到达时间差对声源进行测距与定深。潜标接收噪声与滑翔机自噪声谱级对比表明,水下滑翔机在海洋中无动力运动时的系统自噪声接近于潜标观测的海洋环境噪声。滑翔机实测的声传播损失与模型计算结果吻合较好,第一影区水下声源测距定深结果与实际位置较为一致,测距与定深的相对误差均小于5%。利用加载水听器的水下滑翔机可以实现水文环境数据与声学信号的同步观测,对深海声传播特性测量及定位算法研究具有重要意义。Abstract: In order to acquire hydrologic and acoustic information at the same time,underwater glider is used as synchro observing platform and an algorithm of source localization estimation based on underwater glider in deep water is proposed.Using the hydrologic and acoustic data acquired by a glider in the eastern Indian Ocean,the self-noise of underwater glider and the characteristics of acoustics is analyzed.The underwater track of glider is updated by using underwater dead reckoning.According to the time delay,the underwater sound source localization estimation is realized.The results indicate that the self-noise of underwater glider is quite close to the ambient noise at no-motor time.The sound Transmission Losses(TLs) of experiment and simulation are in great agreement.The underwater sound source localization estimation results are consistent with measurement and the localization error is less than 5%.The underwater glider carrying self-contained hydrophones can get hydrologic and acoustic information at the same time,which is important for the acoustic propagation and target localization.