Audio-visual interactive aesthetics and synergistic mode of Chinese traditional music and Chinese painting
摘要: 利用视觉和听觉的交互和整合特性,探究视听交互匹配方式在民乐与国画欣赏中的审美增效作用。首先构建具有美感属性类别和情感维度信息标签的民乐和国画样本集,然后根据不同美感类别在共享情感空间下的分布情况,提出了基于情感维度比例关系的近似距离类别匹配法。通过基于耳机重放虚拟听音与视觉刺激相结合的实验方式验证了该视听匹配方法的有效性,并创新性的提出基于模糊统计理论的美感测度计算方法以及审美增益的量化数值计算模型。该计算结果显示听觉对视觉的美感平均增益率约36%,视觉对听觉的美感平均增益率约33%。视觉对于正性审美情绪的作用相对较大,听觉对于负性审美情绪的影响较大。Abstract: The experimental aesthetics methods were used to establish an aesthetic-emotional multi-annotation model,choosing Chinese traditional music and Chinese painting as the art form.According to the distribution of different aesthetic categories in the shared emotional space,the fuzzy matching experiment of audio-visual signals was carried out based on the similar emotional composition of different aesthetics.It was verified that the matching method has aesthetic synergistic effect.The contribution rate and aesthetic enhancement scale under different matching modes were obtained.The results showed that the average aesthetic gain rate of auditory to visual was about 36%,and visual to auditory was about 33%.In addition,visual played a relatively larger role in positive aesthetic emotion,while auditory did in negative aesthetic emotion.