

A method for measuring the dynamic parameters by extracting the incident wave

  • 摘要: 黏弹性材料的动态力学参数可通过对材料样品中纵波测试并结合波速法计算得到。由于测试样品尺寸的限制,除了高损耗材料在高频范围外,不管是在样品端头或侧面都难以获得准确的直达波信号,导致参数测量不准确。针对这个问题,对一端固定一端自由的黏弹性细棒中的纵波传播过程进行了分析,提出了黏弹性细棒直达波提取的方法,并实现了黏弹性材料动态力学参数的宽频测试。采用宽带脉冲作为测试激励信号,利用两台激光测振仪对细棒的固定端和自由端的振动速度进行测试,计算得到细棒自由端处的直达波。然后,利用提取出的直达波信号进行波速法计算,得到了黏弹性细棒宽频范围内的储能模量和损耗因子,宽频脉冲测试结果与黏弹仪测试结果相吻合,验证了该方法的有效性。基于直达波提取的宽频测试方法不仅效率高,而且可以使波速法应用于更低的频段。


    Abstract: The complex Young's modulus of viscoelastic materials can be determined by monitoring the propagation of a traveling burst in a thin bar, which is called wave-speed method. While the test samples are always too short to make the incident wave for lower-frequency signals be detected, which lead to low-frequency test is difficult using this method. To solve this problem, a method of extracting the incident wave is presented in this paper. A pulse wave is generated by the exciter and is used to force the longitudinal vibration of a viscoelastic thin bar. The velocities of the two ends of the thin bar are measured by two laser Doppler vibrometers. The incident waves at both of the two ends of the sample can be easily extracted, and the dynamic parameters of the sample can be obtained by the ratio of the vibration velocities of them. This method expands the experimental frequency range of the wave-speed method and the measured results agree well with that of commercial viscoelastic instrument.


