Multipath structure of thetypical under-ice sound channel in Arctic:theory and experiment
摘要: 针对北极海域典型声场环境,提出了基于OASES-Bellhop耦合模型的冰下声信道多途结构快速分析方法。模型将海冰等效为具有粗糙界面的弹性分层介质,利用微扰法与Kirchhoff近似,估计海冰界面不均匀造成的散射损失,结合射线传播理论对典型北极冰下声信道多途结构进行分析与预报。数值仿真与实验结果表明,在6 km距离处,典型北极冰下声信道由于海冰与海底反射分别形成多途结构,海冰多次反射路径叠加形成的多途结构较为稳定,时延扩展在14 ms范围内,海底反射路径强度相对较弱。OASES-Bellhop模型对冰下声信道多途结构幅度和时延预测误差较小,能够较好的解释及预报实验观测到的多途结构环境特性。Abstract: Regarding to the typical acoustic environment of the Arctic, this paper proposes a method based on OASES- Bellhop coupled model to rapidly analyze the multipath structure of the under-ice sound channel. Firstly the proposed model refers to ice plate as stratified elastic media with some roughness. Secondly, it uses the perturbation method and Kirchhoff approximation theory to solve the scattering loss due to the sea ice inhomogeneity. In the end, the model predicts the multipath structure of the under-ice channel through Ray theory. The results of the numerical simulation and experiment indicate that the typical Arctic sound channel presents multipath structures due to the sea ice and seabed in the range of 6 kin, respectively. -The sea ice reflection paths are stable and with short multipath delay extension within 14 ms. The seabed reflection paths have relatively weak strength. The proposed OASES-Bellhop coupled model successively predict the amplitude and delay of the multipath structure with small error which indicates the proposed model is able to analyze and predict the multipath structure of the observed acoustic environment.