

Effects of the lightweight design on the structural-acoustic characteristics of a rectangular enclosure

  • 摘要: 基于模态耦合法建立了考虑对侧柔性壁板的矩形封闭腔体声固耦合模型,导出了耦合系统声振响应随柔性板材料属性及厚度变化的近似关系.通过数值仿真计算,详细分析了单柔性板-单侧激励、双柔性板-双侧激励及双柔性板-单侧激励三种情况下板的轻量化设计对系统声固耦合特性及腔内声压响应的影响.结果表明:对于单柔性板-单侧激励及双柔性板-双侧激励情况,低频段腔内声压主要取决于板厚,其次是杨氏模量,而与板密度关系较弱.因此使用适当增厚的轻质板可以同时达到减重和低频区降噪的目标.对于双柔性板-单侧激励情况,适当的轻量化设计可以显著增强两板间低频段振动的耦合,从而降低该频段的声腔模态响应及腔内噪音.在中高频段,增加板厚和材料密度对降低三种情况的腔内声压均有利。


    Abstract: Based on the modal interaction method, this study presents a structural-a^oustic coupled model of a rectangular enclosure consisting of two flexible panels on opposite sides of the enclosure. A simplified relationship between the panel parameters and the NVH responses of the coupled system is derived. Using this modal, parametric studies aiming at reducing the total weight of the structure and simultaneously improving the NVH performance are conducted for cases of single flexible panel-single excitation (SPSE), dual flexible panel-dual excitation (DPDE) and dual flexible panel-single excitation (DPSE). For the SPSE and DPDE cases, it is found that in the low frequency range the sound level inside the cavity is most sensitive to the panel thickness, then to the panel modulus, and nearly independent of the material density. It is therefore concluded that a panel with larger thickness but lighter material may be able to reduce the structural weight and low frequency sound level simultaneously. For the DPSE case, proper lightweight design can enhance the coupling effect between the motions of the two flexible panels in certain frequency range, especially around the lower order modes of the panels and the cavity. This leads to both reduced modal response levels and pressure within the acoustic cavity. For mid to high frequencies, increasing the thickness and density of the panels is beneficial for all three cases in terms of reducing the noise level inside the cavity.


