Calculation of the acoustic energy flow and its transmission rules for triple-panel structure
摘要: 为了理解多层有源隔声结构的物理机理,同时优化被动隔声结构,需深入分析三层结构中声能量的传输规律。首先对三层板腔结构建模并求解系统的振动响应,然后用数值方法求解平板向封闭空间辐射声的声传输阻抗,并计算各层结构的辐射声功率。最后,通过分析各子系统所占的能量及各层结构四类模态组辐射声功率的变化获得声能量的传输规律。结果表明,按模态类型的不同,能量传输可等效认为存在四个传输通道,各通道的能量传输具有相似的带通特性,其成因在于不同的平板与空腔模态对的耦合强弱不同。Abstract: In order to explore the physical mechanism of an active triple-panel sound insulation structure and optimize passive sound insulation technique, it is necessary to firstly analyze the rule of sound energy transmission through the triple-panel structure. Firstly, the theoretical model of the panel-cavity-panel system is established using vibro-acoustic coupling approach. Then, the surface transfer impedance matrix of the incident and middle plates which radiate sound into enclosures is derived using numerical method. And the formulation of the radiated sound power of the two plates is also given. Finally the rule of sound energy transmission is obtained by analyzing the sound energy contained in each subsystem and the variation of radiated sound power of different types of mode groups in each plate. Results obtained demonstrate that, there exits four different sound energy transmission paths for four different types of mode group. Each transmission path shares the common characteristics, i.e., different energy transmission path has different pass-band in frequency domain. This is mainly due to the fact that the coupling strength of different coupled mode pairs of the panel and cavity is different.