The research of short baseline positioning integration of time-reversal mirror
摘要: 短基线声学定位技术是水下运动目标定位的重要研究内容。为了解决定位系统工作于浅水或近岸时多途扩展严重造成的时延估计误差和系统工作不稳定的问题,本文提出一种结合时间反转算法的短基线宽带应答定位技术,该方法利用短基线阵元发射宽带信号,通过应答器接收该信号时间反转处理后再返回给短基线阵元位置,实现信道多途的自适应聚焦,进而提高时延估计精度及信号检测的鲁棒性。仿真研究和湖上试验表明,该方法能够充分利用信道多途信息实现聚焦,减少信道多途对定位信号时延估计的影响,具有较强的抗噪声和多途干扰的能力。相对传统定位方法,该方法可以抑制短基线定位过程中误差及野点的产生,改善了物体定位导航的精度。Abstract: The short baseline acoustic positioning technology is an important research of underwater moving target positioning.Considering the system usually worked in shallow water or in shore,in order to solve delay estimation error and system instability problem resulted in the multi-path channel,a SBL wideband method combining with timereversal technology is proposed in this paper,the method used short baseline element transmit the wideband signal to the transponder,which returned the signal to the SBL element location after time-reversal processing,the influence of multipath channel on response signal is reduced by using the adaptive focus on the channel multipath characteristic of the time reversal.Simulation and lake experiment indicate that the technology reduces the influence of multipath on the short baseline response signal time delay estimation and restrains the errors and outliers points in the navigation comparing with traditional position method,and finally the precision of underwater vehicle positioning and navigation is improved.