

Evaluation of acoustic characteristics of Chinese open-plan office environment

  • 摘要: 通过对北京4个开放式办公室的声环境特性测试以及一系列现场问卷调查,研究了对汉语背景下开放式办公室声环境评价的特点及其与客观声学参数之间的关系。分析发现:汉语背景下人们对声环境的关注程度仅次于光线,并对语言私密性有一定的要求;声环境评价与办公室的工作性质有关,但均在“不好不坏”和“糟糕”之间;声环境评价与背景噪声LAeqL10显著相关,采用混响时间作为单一指标来评价声环境的方法存在明显不足;当减少语言传输指数STI时,可以同时提高语言私密度和改善声环境;声环境认知、声响大小的敏感度、情绪和疲劳等主观因素对声环境评价具有显著性影响,而工作注意力集中程度、每天工作时间、年龄、收入、职位等则影响不显著。


    Abstract: To study the acoustic characteristics of open-plan offices under Chinese language environment and the relationships between subjective evaluation and objective indices,measurements were made in four open-plan offices in Beijing,along with a series of questionnaires surveys.The results show that,acoustic quality is the second important factor for such office environment,just after lighting,and there is a certain degree of requirement for speech privacy. Although subjective evaluation of the acoustic environment depends on the type of work,it is generally between "neither good nor bad" and "bad".The subjective evaluation significantly correlates to LAeq and L10,so that using reverberation time only is not appropriate to evaluate the acoustic environment.Reducing speech transmission index could considerably improve the speech privacy as well as the overall acoustic evaluation.Subjective factors including the recognition of acoustic environment,loudness sensitivity,and emotional feeling based on mood and tiredness,significantly affect the acoustic environment evaluation,whereas no significant influence has been found from the concentration level on work, working hours per day,age,income and position.


