Acoustic character modification of clauses from discourse stress in Putonghua
摘要: 对汉语普通话新闻语篇朗读语料的分析表明,被置于语段中的小句,作为重音标志的音高和音长将发生变化。语段小句与孤立小句相比,音高变化集中表现在小句调核上,是高音点的整体降低,而不同类别的重音,音高降低的程度不同。在语段中,非语段重音的小句重音呈现出较明显的弱化,即表现为音高降低和音节时长缩短。在多个小句构成的语段中,说话人可以利用各小句重音的强弱变化来实现对语段的韵律调节,进而实现对语篇韵律的整体控制和顺畅的语义表达。语段重音及小句重音的研究将实验语音学引进了播音语言教学,也有助于汉语合成语音的韵律控制。Abstract: The bringing changes of pitch and syllable duration marking stresses in clauses that are put in discourses were observed in the recitation of Chinese News broadcasting text.As compared isolated clauses with them in a discourse, the results show that the pitch changes of intonational nucleus in clauses are most prominent,i.e.top lines of pitch move downwards as a whole.The weakened degree is different to different kind of stress.The stress of clause in a discourse will be obviously weakened,if it wasn't assigned discourse stress;The weakness is presented by to reduce the pitch and syllable duration in same time.The speakers could to use the modification of the clause stress in a discourse which consists of some clauses,in order to control the discourse prosody,and then to glibly express the meaning of text.It introduced the experimental phonetics to broadcasting speech education;and provided a prosodic control for the new Chinese TTS system.