Statistical geoacoustic inversion from vertical correlation of shallow water reverberation
摘要: 处理并分析了2005黄海混响实验数据。在单层海底假设下利用300~800Hz频段混响垂直相关数据反演了海底参数,并分析了参数反演结果的不确定性。结果发现:单频独立反演的声速值随频率增加而减小。类似的结果以前也有报道,导致难以有效地确定海底的平均声速。为了解决这一问题,本文假设海底具有两层分层结构,并提出了一种基于遗传算法的多频联合海底参数反演方法。同一海域声传播数据的简正波分离结果以及混响垂直相干实验值与基于反演参数计算的理论值吻合良好,验证了分层海底假设及参数反演结果的有效性。Abstract: Statistical geoacoustic inversion results based on Reverberation Vertical Correlation (RVC) data from 300 Hz to 800 Hz are presented. The data were obtained during Yellow Sea Experiment-2005 (YSE-05). An uncertainty analysis is carried out. It is found that the inversion sea bottom sound velocities decrease when the frequency increases. Similar phenomenon has been reported by other authors. So it is difficult to determine the sea bottom sound velocity. In order to solve this problem, a two-layer bottom model is assumed, and a multi-frequency inversion approach based on Genetic Algorithm is proposed in this paper. The approach is demonstrated using YSE-05 experiment data. Both RVC and Normal Modes Depth Functions (NMDFs) calculated using the inverted geoacoustic parameters are in good agreement with the experimental measurements.