Sound absorption characteristics of a thin plate with PZT shunted with passive electrical circuit II. Numerical and Experimental analysis
摘要: 利用数值计算和实验方法研究了压电分流阻尼技术控制薄板吸声特性的机制,分析了串联电阻和电感与薄板吸声系数、相对声阻和相对声抗之间的关系。数值计算和实验结果表明:通过调节分流电路中电感和电阻等参数,可使电路谐振和机械谐振出现强耦合,进而明显提高薄板一阶模态处的吸声系数和吸声带宽。Abstract: The influence of RL parameters on the sound absorption of a plate shunted with piezoelectric materials was investigated using numerical analysis and experimental measurements. The effect of shunting electrical resistance and inductance on the sound absorption coefficient, acoustic resistance and reactance of the plate was thoroughly analyzed. Numerical and experimental results concluded that the sound absorption coefficient of the plate near its first mode can be significantly improved by adjusting the RL parameters.