

Error sensing strategy for active acoustic structure based on distributed displacement sensors

  • 摘要: 有源声学结构是近年来提出的一种控制结构低频声辐射的有效方案,它是智能结构在噪声控制领域中的具体应用,而实现该结构的关键问题之一是近场误差传感。本文提出将分布式位移传感材料PVDF敷设于有源声学结构初、次级板表面,用有限个PVDF、对测量辐射声功率实现有源声学结构的近场误差传感。论文首先建立了有源声学结构理论模型,然后基于声辐射模态概念和PVDF传感模型,推导了PVDF形状系数理论公式,最后用一系列的计算机仿真实例给出了初、次级板PVDF形状及有源控制效果,证明所提出的方案是有效的。


    Abstract: Active acoustic structure proposed in recent years has been viewed as an encouraging approach to actively control sound radiation from vibrating structures. In this study, the nearfield error sensing approach, which is one of the key problems encountered in the implementation of such a structure, is investigated theoretically. The basic idea involves a limited number of PVDF film pairs be boned to the surface of the primary panel and secondary panels for measuring the total the radiated sound power. In this paper, first, a theoretical model associated with the active acoustic structure is established. Second, the formulae for the shape coefficient of the PVDF pairs are derived based on the acoustic radiation modes and a PVDF sensing model. Finally, a number of computer simulations are performed and the shape of the PVDF pairs and corresponding reduction in the radiated sound power are achieved. The results demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed nearfield error sensing strategy.


