Modern Acoustics in China related to Dah-You MAA
摘要: 声学的历史是非常古老的,但是现代声学却是从19世纪末20世纪初开始的。中国现代声学的发展则要稍晚一些。本文将中国现代声学的发展历程分为四个阶段:草创时期、奠基时期、发展时期、创新时期。简述了马大猷在中国现代声学发展中所做出的主要贡献和他的学术成就。可以看到,马大猷作为中国现代声学的奠基人,他也是简正波理论的奠基人之一,在中国现代声学发展中起了重要作用。本文还对马大猷的学术思想和社会贡献作了初步探讨。Abstract: The history of Acoustics is very long, but for modern Acoustics it was only started from the end of 19th century after Bell's and Sabine's works. Modern Acoustics in China was developed even later. The main contributions to the development of modern Acoustics in China of Dah-You MAA and his academic achievements were presented in this paper. It is shown that Dah-You MAA who is one of the founders of the normal mode theory and the modern Acoustics in China has played an important role in developing modern Acoustics. Some preliminary studies of MAA's scientific Philosophy and his social activities were discussed in this paper also.