

Coronary artery impedance estimation based on the intravascular ultrasound technique and its experimental studies

  • 摘要: 为了更准确全面地评估冠状动脉的动力学特性,采用血管内超声技术和血压测量设备获取冠状动脉内的超声图像、血流多普勒信号和血压曲线。使用动态轮廓模型从血管内的超声图像测量出管腔的截面积曲线,使用形态学和动态规划法提取多普勒信号中的流速信息,在心电同步下计算出血流量随心动周期的变化。结合血管内的血压曲线,通过傅里叶级数计算出冠状动脉等效阻抗。通过对人工控制下猪心肌微循环障碍实验的数据分析,观察到本方法估计出的血管阻抗可以反映冠状动脉的供血能力、扩张能力随微循环功能衰弱的变化。这一技术的实现,有望为医学临床提供一种新的辅助诊断参数。


    Abstract: In order to perform more reliable and comprehensive clinical description for the coronary's hemo-dynamics, ultrasound images, Doppler blood flow signals and blood pressure waveforms from the coronary artery were acquired using the intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) technique and blood pressure detection instruments. Here a modified active contour model was applied to estimate the lumen area of the coronary artery from IVUS images, and a method integrating the morphology and the dynamic programming was applied to extract the velocity information from the Doppler spectrogram. With the ECG as the synchronization, the blood volume waveform over a cardiac cycle was calculated. With the blood volume and pressure waveforms, the impedance of the coronary artery was obtained using the Fourier series. From the controlled experiments on pigs, it was seen that the impedance estimated using this approach can reflect the coronary artery's blood supply and reservation capability under various degrees of the microcirculation dysfunction of the coronary. With the further efforts in the research, the coronary impedance obtained by this method may become a significant parameter for the clinical diagnosis.


