An iterative algorithm of deterministic blind beamforming
摘要: 提出了一种基于信道的信号处理模型的在线迭代盲波束形成算法。该方法利用Givens变换,分步迭代地求出期望得到的信息矩阵,忽略无关的运算结果,达到减小运算量,减少内存占有空间的目的。同时,因为没有关于信源个数的先验假设,该方法可以在未知具体信源个数的情况下进行盲波束形成。在线迭代的算法结构也为DSP并行实现提供了可能。仿真试验验证了本方法的有效性和正确性。Abstract: A method based on the model of propagation channel is proposed. In the method, Givens transform is used to calculate the expected information matrix step by step, ignore the irrelative results. In this way, the computational complex and memory needed are reduced. The method can be used without the preinformation of source number. The online structure of the algorithm makes it easy to be realized in parallel multi-DSP. Computer simulation verified the correctness and effectiveness of the method proposed.