Experimental research on the perceptive space of Chinese syllables
摘要: 通过心理物理实验方法建构汉语音节知觉的多维空间结构,寻求有关汉语音节知觉的客观表现。结果表明,在声学特征层面上,音高和时长是音节知觉结构的主要维度;在韵律层面上,句中位置、韵律词长度等指标比较直观地反映了音节在知觉多维空间中的分布。Abstract: The perceptive multi-space structure of Chinese syllables is studied by psychological-physical experiment. The results indicate that F0 and duration are two main dimensions of the perceptive structure of syllables. Prosodic information such as position of syllable in sentence and number of syllables in a prosodic word is the main factors of syllable distribution in perceptive multi-space of syllables.