Propagation of guided waves in stratified half space
摘要: 研究了在弹性层状半空间中传播的导波的频散及激发机制,分别在含有两层和三层介质情况下,详细分析了对称点源激发的所有可能存在的导波模式的传播特性以及它们与介质参数的相互关系,研究了表面波和能陷波的激发与传播机理。对于速度递增的介质,可存在多个模式,但对于速度递减的介质模型,至多只存在一个导波模式。在含有低速夹层情况下,存在沿低速层传播的能陷模式。能陷波和表面波的传播特性不仅与介质参数有关,而且还与声源频率有关。Abstract: The dispersion and excitation mechanisms of guided waves in stratified half space are studied. All possible guided waves excited by a symmetric point source in two or three layers and their relation to the medium parameters are analyzed in detail. And the propagation characteristics of the surface waves and trapped waves are all investigated. It is found that there exists many guided wave modes in the case where the shear wave velocity of layer increases from up(free surface) to down. However, there is less than one guided wave mode in the case where the shear velocity of layer decreases from up to down. The trapped waves exist and propagate along the low-velocity structure in the stratified half space contained a low-velocity layer. The characteristics of surface waves and trapped waves are related to the parameters of media and the frequency of source.