Theoretical study on flap side-edge noise
摘要: 襟翼侧缘噪声是飞机机体重要的噪声源,作者应用平面传声器阵列测量技术对民用客机进场着陆过程中的襟翼侧缘噪声进行了测量。基于实验测量结果,本文应用气动声学的基本理论,对飞机襟翼侧缘噪声进行理论的分析和研究,目的是深入的理解襟翼侧缘噪声源声辐射的机理、建立可靠的噪声预测模型,并期望获得可行的飞机机体噪声抑制方法。研究结果表明,同简单的旋涡振荡模型相比,Howe的襟翼侧缘噪声模型更接近于实际襟翼侧缘宽频噪声物理过程。Abstract: In many modern aircraft, flap side-edge noise is a very important noise, in some case the most intense, source of airframe. A large planar microphone array has been successfully applied to measure flap side-edge noise for landing commercial aircraft. In order to understand the mechanism of the flap side-edge noise, to obtain the detailed and reliable noise prediction schemes and suppression methodology for this source noise emission, a theoretical analysis of the flap side-edge noise is presented in this paper. It is found that the broadband noise features of flap side-edge noise source can be predicted well by the Howe's theory.