Study on directivity sharpening of small sensor
摘要: 尺度仅为10cm的声传感器能在数赫兹到数千赫兹的低频宽带范围内形成束宽为20余度的恒定束宽窄指向性吗?利用组合传感器,通过简单的后置数据处理就在低频形成恒定束宽窄指向性,本文还给出了理论结果、水池试验结果和湖试结果。Abstract: Is it possible that an acoustic sensor which size is only 10 cm can form a narrow directivity with a constantbeam of 20 degree?Based on the combined sensort a narrow directivity has been formed in lowfrequency band fromseveral Hertz to several kiloHertz by using simple adaptive algorithm and the results of theoretical simulation,laboratoryexperiment and lake experiment are also shown in this paper.