

An connected word recognition algorithm based on the removable rule of Chinese acoustical-tail and hypothesis-verification perceptual theory

  • 摘要: 指出汉语单字语音存在一种可截尾特性,并且得到与之相关的三个结论(称为尾音可切除原则):(1)如果适当切除单字部分青尾特征,识别率不会明显下降,甚至有所提高.(2)切尾后识别时间明显缩短,分析和实验结果表明:若采用动态时间规整算法(DTW),识别时间与特征矢量长度的平方成正比关系.(3)实验指出,音尾特征的截除极限为特征矢量总长度的1/3.根据上述原则,从假设一检验的认知理论出发,提出一种汉语连接词的识别算法,并在DTW模型上得以实现.实验测试集包括200个特定人发音样本,其中2字词162个,3字词22个,4字词16个,正识率为91%.该算法对待识词的字数没有限制,井且随待识字数的增加,识别时间只作线性增长.


    Abstract: In this paper, a removable property of acoustical-tail of Chinese word is described. And 3 conclusions can be drawn as the removable rule:First, if the part of the acoustical-tail's feature vectors are suitably removed, the recognition rate will not decrease considerably, in contrast, it even can increase. Second, the recognition time abbreviates obviously without a part of acoustical-tail's feature vectors. Third, it is also indicated that the limit of removal of acoustical-tail's feature vectors should be no more than 1/3 of all the feature vectors. Applying the removable rule to the isolated word recognition, a fast algorithm is proposed. Furthermore, on the,view of Hypothesis——Verification perceptual theory, a connected word recognition algorithm is successfully implemented with the model of DTW. In this algorithm, there is no limit to the length of the connected vocabulary to be recognized, and the recognition time only increase linearly with the increasement of the length of the vocabulary. In the experiment of 200 connected vocabulary of speaker-dependent (including 162 two-word, 22 of vocabulary there-word and 16 of four-word), a recognition rate of 91% is obtained.


