Spectral amplitude correlation algorithm between successive frames based on MBE
摘要: 在MBE算法基础上研究利用帧间谱幅度相关性,通过一个简单的线性预测公式,使得仅用一个增益系数及一个预测系数的预测公式,就能平均在帧移25 ms时达到高于10阶LPC模型逼近MBE中谱幅度的精度.同时引入多模式编码以解决帧间不可预测问题.Abstract: Abstract Spectral amplitude correlation properties between successive frames is researched in this paper.A simple linear prediction formula with only one gain coefficient and one prediction coefficient is proposed.And the accuracy estimating spectral amplitude is a little higher than a 10th order LPC Model does when the frame length is 25 ms.And this paper introduces a Multi-Model coding to deal with the problem when the prediction is not successful.