Three beam LBT stationary ultrasonic motor
摘要: 论述三梁纵弯扭超声驻波电机的结构及原理.重点用F.E.M.方法研究了三梁纵弯扭耦合振子的动态特性.给出了振动频率和振型随耦合振子结构尺寸的变化规律,并对所研制的实验驻波电机性能进行了测试,还研制了驱动电路.这种电机运行性能优于已有的单梁纵弯扭驻波电机,具有广阔的应用前景.Abstract: This paper deals with the structure and theory of three beam Longitudinal Bend Tortional (LBT) stationary uItrasonic motor and reports the moving characteristic of LBT vibrator.We obtain various features of vibration frequency and model versus the motor size.The motor's characteristics were tested,and the driving electric circuit was made.This motor has some merits over single beam LBT motor,maybe promise well in application.