Multiple random scattering ray-tracing model and computer simulation
摘要: 声波在室内的传播过程是很复杂的,尤其是当室内有许多家具和机器设备时。要经历由上述物体引起的多重散射过程。本文提出的多重随机声散射模型及相应的计算机仿真程序,较全面地描述了声波在室内的复杂散射、反射与吸收,与实测结果相比较,具有良好的精度,能较为精确地预测声能在空间的分布,可用于厂房、办公室等的噪声控制,在室内音质设计实践中也具有广泛的应用前景。Abstract: A multiple random scattering ray-tracing model is developed for predicting the distribution of sound pressure levels in a three dimensional space of any kinds of rooms. This model considers the reflection and absorption on the surface of each wall and the scattering caused by the objects distributed randomly in the room. The objects therein like machines, furniture, etc. are regarded as obstacles which scatter the sound, so that the sound propagation is shown as a multiple scattering process. Thus the sound pressure level distribution in a diffuse sound field can be calculated more precisely.