

Analysis and implementation of "cross sync-period" underwater acoustical positioning for underwater targets

  • 摘要: 水声同步定位系统在对水声目标进行定位的过程中,定位系统对于目标轨迹的采样率将随目标距离的增加而降低。从而使原始数据减少,并使定位系统的处理能力不能得到有效的利用。长期以来,这个矛盾一直没有得到解决。我们在对这一问题进行深入研究的基础上,发展了一种被称之为"超同步周期"水声定位的新技术,可以大大提高对于远距离水声目标轨迹的采样率。在电路实现过程中,又相应地开发出一种检测定位信号时延值的"余数算法",并已成功地应用于实际系统。该系统在工作周期为0.4s、目标最大距离为6km的情况下,可以有效克服目标"距离模糊"现象,同时对五个目标进行正确定位。在几次湖上和海上试验中,利用"超同步周期"水声定位技术对远距离水声目标进行定位,都取得了令人满意的结果。


    Abstract: The sampling rate of an underwater acoustical synchronous positioning system for the track of an underwater target will be decreasing during the process of positioning while the target moves away,resulting in the reduction of raw data and insufficient use of the processing ability of the positioning system.For a long time,this problem remains unsolved,and it is even pushed forward recently because of the rapid development of modern electronic techniques.Based on the thorough study and investigation of the problem,we developed a new synchronous positioning technique called "cross sync-period" underwater acoustical positioning.It can increase the sampling rate of an underwater acoustical positioning system for the track of an underwater target at long range significantly.Besides,a new algorithm specially designed for the detection of the propagation time delay of positioning signals,called "moduloalgorithm",was also developed,which makes the implementation of the"cross sync-period "underwater acoustical positioning technique easier and more efficient.These techniques have been successfully applied in a real positioning system.The system can position 5 underwater targets at the maximum range of 6 Km simultaneously without any ambiguity of target distances with the working period of 0.4second.Performing the" cross sync-period"underwater acoustical positioning technique by the system in lake and sea-run tests,we obtained satisfactory results


