Measurement and estimation of free field to eardrum transfer function for virtual acoustic space research
摘要: 自由声场至耳膜的传递函数(FETF)被认为是影响辨别声源方向的主要因素之一。FETF已被用于真实听觉空间的计算机仿真。对于FETF的估计和测量方法,本文提出了具体的改进意见。对于单脉冲激励的测量方法,我们建议采用LMS估计方法,计算机模拟结果表明LMS方法优于经典的FFT方法。文章中还对各种用于测量FETF冲激响应的激励方法作了分析和比较。Abstract: Abstract Free field to Eardrum Transfer Function (FETF) is one of the major factors influencing the identification of the sound source direction.The FETF can be employed to generate a Virtual Acoustic Space (VAS) by computer and other equipment.In this paper we have approached the methods to improve the measurement and estimation of FETF.LMS method was suggested to estimate FETF for single pulse measurement.The computer simulation results have shown that LMS method is much better than empirical FFT method.This paper also gives a simple description of excitation signals for measuring the impulse response of FETF.