Fuzzy pattern recognition method of flaw in tube by ultrasonic testing
摘要: 本文探讨了对管材缺陷形状进行模糊模式识别的一种方法。提出并研究了管材超声探伤中缺陷模糊模式识别的物理模型,模糊模式的特征参数选择原则和方法,建立了三种缺陷的标准模糊子集,并运用模糊模式识别的数学方法对大量人工缺陷的实验数据进行了数值计算,获得了预想的结果。Abstract: In this paper the fuzzy pattern recognition of flaw in tube is discussed.The physical model for recognizing flaw by fuzzy pattern recognition is described.The rule and the method for selecting characteristic indexes of the fuzzy model are developed.Three standard fuzzy subsets of the defects are constructed.An algorithm of fuzzy pattern recognition is used to process a large number of experimental data of known and unknown flaws detected.The result shows that it is expectant.