Progress of research and application on noise control engineering
摘要: 本文从三个方面介绍1995年7月举行的第24届国际噪声控制工程学术会议所反映的噪声控制研究和应用的进展。首先介绍社会发展对噪声控制技术的新要求,其次介绍社会发展对噪声控制法规及标准的新要求,最后介绍计算机在噪声控制工程中的应用。Abstract: This article represents the progress of research and application on noise control engineering reflected on the Inter-noise'95 held in July 1995 from three fields:The first part is about the new requiretments on noise control technology of social dvelopment.The second part is the new requirements on noise control regulation (code,etc.) of social development.The third part is application of computer in noise control engineering.