A study on the sound transfer function of lung-thorax system
摘要: 本文应用同态信号处理,从肺音信号中分离出肺音音源与肺胸系统的声传播效应,获得了肺胸系统的声传递函数.实验结果表明:肺胸系统相当于声低通滤波器,胸廓系统具有声低通滤波特性,异常状态下,系统的声传递函数与正常肺胸系统的声传递函数有明显差异.Abstract: From the homomorphic signal processing used to separate sources of lung soundsand transmission path effects of the lung-thorax system from lung sounds signals, We canobtain the sound transfer function of normal lung-thorax system and abnormal lung-thoraxsystem. Experimental results show that. lung-thorax system can be simulated as a sound lowpass filter,thorax system has sound low-pass characteristics,and the sound transfer functionof abnormal lung-thorax system is significantly different from the sound transfer function ofnormal lun——thorax system.