Performance improvement of adaptive line enhancer using coherent accumulative algorithm
摘要: 众所周知,自适应线谱增强器(ALE)可以在噪声背景中有效地检测未知频率的窄带信号或CW脉冲信号。然而,利用LMS迭代算法的自适应线谱增强器,由于迭代噪声和权噪声的影响,系统的处理增益不够理想。本文提出了ALE的相干累加算法,证明了该算法的自适应滤波器具有ARMA结构。实验表明,改进的ALE较传统的ALE的处理增益高出约14dB。Abstract: It is well known that adaptive line enhancer (ALE) can be used to effectively detect narrow-band signal or CW pulse signal with unknown frenqency in presence of noise However, it has been shown that the processing gain of adaptive line enhancer using LMS algorithm is not satisfied because of the presence of iterative noise and weight noise. In this paper, a coherent accumulative algorithm of adaptive line enhancer is proposed. One result of this analysis is that adaptive LMS filter possesses the ARMA model construction. So more powerful ability to filter out noise can be obtained. The experimental results carried out in laboratory show that the processing gain of this new arthitectureal ALE is about 14 dB higher than that of conventional ALE.