A New Kind of Sonar Signal Processing Computer
摘要: 本文讨论如何以多片TMS32020为核心,组成大型潜用声呐的中央处理机,以达到声呐的战术性能指标。
该机对来自三个独立接收子阵的数据信息进行处理,从而检测出目标的距离和方位。它采用流水线式体系结构设计,通过由控制中心控制的功能码的设计,完成不同的检测方案。由于采用了先进的数字信号处理芯片和新的数字信号处理技术,本机具有体积小,速度快,可靠性高和检测结果精确等优点。Abstract: This paper discusses how to construct a CPU of a large submarine sonar system using many chips of TMS32020 in order to get the tactical behaviour of sonar.
This computer processes data coming from three indepent receiving array and adopts flow line system structure. It has the advantage of small volume, high speed, accurate results and high reliability.