The inverse acoustic scattering problem for a rigid object I. derivation of the reconstruction formulas for rigid object
摘要: 本文用球函数展开散射场,结合刚性边界条件导出了刚性目标的重构公式,并利用该公式重构了刚性球和椭球的形状。计算结果表明,对刚性球和接近球形的刚性椭球重构很好,但对偏离球形较远的椭球,某些重构点偏差较大。本文分析了产生偏差的原因,并且估计了该方法的应用范围。Abstract: By spherical function expansion of the scattered sound field in conjunction with rigid boundary conditions, formulas for reconstructing the shapes of rigid scattering objects are derived. These formulas are then used to reconstuct the shapes of spheres and ellipsoids of different eccentricities. The calculated results agree well with spheres and ellipsoids of small eccentricities. Deviations become evident for ellipsoids of larger eccentricities. The cause of the deviations are analysed.