AM-evoked slow cortical responses (SCR) were recorded in awake guinea pigs and the response thresholds (Δ
I) in terms of amplitude increment in dB were determined. A qua-sirectangular pulse of 200 ms duration and with a repetition rate of I/sec served as the modulator. The typical AM-evoked SCR assumes a positive-negative-positive triphasic waveform appearing 40 -200 ms after the on-set or off-set of modulation. For white noise, for repetitive clicks (1000 pps) and for pure tones (125 Hz-16 kHz) in a very wide carrier level range (30-90 dB SPL), the Δ
I values are only around 0.5 dB, quite close to those for human obtained by psychophysical methods, suggesting that the SCR Δ
I values can represent the intensity difference limens for the animals, A Δ
I curve for guinea pig, i.e., the functional curve of Δ
I versus, I, is constructed. This Δ
I curve is supposed to be the first complete and convincing one for animals.