摘要: 目前强声源的输出声功率达几千瓦甚至几万瓦,它们多数是气流声源,因此用通常的方法测量它们的声功率会遇到困难,例如对于行波管法,终端吸声处理比较困难,而当终端反射系数达0.25时,声场起伏有2.5dB,测量误差较大。本文利用声在管中传播的基本原理,提出由管中纵向分布的三点声压确定声源声功率的方法,这个方法允许管终端存在反射。误差分析指出,终端反射系数为0.25时,声场起伏引起的测量误差小于0.2dB,对两千声瓦电动调制气流扬声器的实际测量表明,当反射系数高达0.6时,多次测量(各次测量时管中纵向分布的三点位置各不相同)结果比较一致,偏差小于0.6dB。证实这种方法具有设备简单,结果准确的优点。Abstract: The acoustic power of high intensity sound sources reached kilowatts and thes of kilowatts. Many are the sources of modulated air flow. It is somewhat difficult to use the method for measuring usual sound sources to measure high intensity sound sources. As an example, in the method of progressive wave tube, the end of tube must have an exit for air flow, and the absorbers at the end of tube may be under acoustic fatigue easily. When the reflection coefficient at the end reached 0.25, the variation of sound pressure level in tube can-be as much as 2.5 dB,’ and therefore the results have large errors for measuring power. The method presented in this paper permits presence of reflection from the end of tube, and the acoustic power of sound sources is derived from sound pressure level at three location in tube. Analysis proves that the resulting error from the variation of sound field in tube is less then 0.2 dB, when the reflective coefficient at the end is 0.25. The results for 2K sound watts electropneumatic loudspeaker are in agreement for three groups of different measuring points, although reflective coefficient reaches 0.6. In general the error of the results is less then 0.6 dB. The advantages of this method are simpler eguipments and exact results.