Long-range infrasound source localization algorithms combining spherical pseudolinear estimator and propagation noise estimation
摘要: 球面伪线性估计器的提出为解决广域次声源定位问题提供了一个更加稳健和高效的方案, 然而次声远距离传播易受大气横向风的影响, 导致后方位角产生偏离, 使得球面伪线性估计器的定位结果和性能分析不准确。为此, 首先将次声传播引入噪声模型中, 重新分析了两种球面伪线性估计器的偏差和误差协方差, 给出了理论表达式; 然后, 给出了一种基于时间、空间相关的混合大气模型和射线追踪方法的传播噪声估计方法; 最后, 提出了球面伪线性估计器和传播噪声估计相结合的广域次声源定位算法。仿真和实验验证了理论分析的准确性和所提算法定位性能的优势。Abstract: The spherical pseudolinear estimator offers a more stable and efficient solution to the long-range infrasound source localization. However, the propagation of infrasound over extended distances is vulnerable to atmospheric crosswinds, which cause deviations in the back-azimuth measurements. This phenomenon introduces inaccuracies in the localization results and performance evaluation of the spherical pseudolinear estimator. This research incorporates the effect of infrasound propagation into the noise model, reanalyzes the bias and error covariance performance of two spherical pseudolinear estimators, and provides theoretical expressions. Subsequently, a propagation noise estimation method is proposed that utilizes hybrid time-space dependent atmospheric modeling and ray tracing. Furthermore, long-range infrasound source localization algorithms are presented that integrate the spherical pseudolinear estimator with propagation noise estimation. The accuracy of the theoretical analysis and the performance advantages of the proposed algorithms are validated by simulations and an experiment.