The influence of sinusoidal noise canceller on noise reduction performance in feedforward hybrid active noise control system
摘要: 混合前馈有源噪声控制系统中, 正弦噪声抵消器产生宽带参考信号, 影响有源噪声控制效果。为了给混合前馈有源噪声控制系统中正弦噪声抵消器的选择和优化提供理论支撑, 研究了正弦噪声抵消器对混合前馈有源噪声控制系统的收敛和降噪性能的影响。首先, 对比了常用的正弦噪声抵消器, 并提出了一种基于级联二阶无限脉冲响应陷波滤波器组的正弦噪声抵消器。其次, 推导控制滤波器系数误差均值迭代公式, 研究正弦噪声抵消器对宽带和窄带控制器的收敛以及耦合的影响。最后, 分析正弦噪声抵消器的收敛速度和带宽对混合前馈有源噪声控制系统瞬态和稳态降噪性能的影响。仿真和实验结果证明了所提理论和正弦噪声抵消器的有效性。Abstract: The performance of the feedforward hybrid active noise control is influenced by the sinusoidal noise canceller which generates the broadband reference signal. In order to provide a theoretical basis for the selection and optimization of the sinusoidal noise canceller in the feedforward hybrid active noise control system, the effects of the sinusoidal noise canceller on the convergence and noise reduction performance are investigated in this work. First, the existing sinusoidal noise cancellers are compared, and a sinusoidal noise canceller based on the cascade second-order infinite impulse response notch filter bank is proposed. By deriving iterative equations of mean weight errors, the effects of the sinusoidal noise canceller on the convergence and coupling of controllers are then analyzed. Finally, the influence of the convergence rate and bandwidth of the sinusoidal noise canceller on both the transient and steady-state noise reduction performance is discussed. Extensive simulations and experiments are conducted to validate the proposed theory.