

The effects of adult attachment style on acoustic characteristics of emotional speech

  • 摘要: 为探究说话人的依恋类型(安全型、超脱型、专注型、恐惧型)对情绪语音产出的影响, 设计了符合语法规则但是无意义的伪句, 招募了有恋爱经验的被试, 采用阈下词汇启动范式激活依恋系统后, 被试观看4种基本情绪(开心、愤怒、悲伤、恐惧)的诱发影片, 用体验到的情绪向想象中的恋爱伴侣说出这些句子。对递归特征消除算法筛选出的每句14个声学参数做半参数重复测量多元方差, 结果显示依恋类型和情绪类别的主效应显著、交互效应不显著; 聚集性分层聚类分析发现, 在声学特征空间中, 超脱型和专注型距离最近, 而安全型则远离其他类型; 有监督分类发现, 14个声学参数可有效区分4类依恋类型; 特征重要性分析发现, 韵律参数对分类的贡献较大; 累积局部轮廓分析发现, 4类人群间基频特征的差异在各种情绪上基本一致, 但是音质特征的差异受到情绪类别的影响。研究揭示了依恋类型对情绪语音声学特征的作用, 验证了不同依恋类型在情绪调节策略上的差异, 为个性化人机语音交互技术的发展提供了科学依据。


    Abstract: This study explored the effect of a speaker’s attachment style (secure, detached, preoccupied, and fearful) on acoustic characteristics of emotional speech. Grammatical but meaningless pseudo sentences were designed, and participants with romantic relationship experiences were recruited. After activating their attachment systems with the subliminal lexical priming paradigm, the participants watched the videos that tended to evoke one of the four basic emotions (happiness, anger, sadness, and fear). Following this, they expressed these sentences with the corresponding emotions to their imagined romantic partners. Based on 14 acoustic parameters per utterance selected using the recursive feature elimination algorithm, Semi-Parametric Repeated Measures Multivariate Analysis of Variance shows significant main effects of attachment style and emotion type, but does not show a significant interaction effect between them. Agglomerative Hierarchical Cluster Analysis shows that, in the acoustic space, “dismissing” and “preoccupied” are the closest, while “secure” is the farthest from other attachment styles. Supervised classification algorithms effectively differentiate the four attachment styles based on 14 acoustic parameters, with prosodic parameters contributing more in terms of feature importance analysis. Furthermore, Accumulated-Local Profiles analysis indicates that the variations in fundamental frequency characteristics among the four attachment styles remain basically consistent across the four emotions, but the differences in timbre and voice quality characteristics are influenced by emotion type. In summary, this study unveils the impact of attachment style on emotional speech and confirms the variations in emotion regulation strategy among individuals with four attachment styles. This provides a scientific foundation for the development of personalized human-machine speech communication technologies.


