

Effects of the Big Five personality on acoustic characteristics of the speech conveying belief and disbelief

  • 摘要: 为了考察汉语表达相信/不信态度的语音声学表现, 以及说话人的大五人格维度(神经质、外倾性、开放性、宜人性、尽责性)对声学特征的影响, 研究设计了情景交际语料, 诱导47名大学生分别用相信和不信的态度说出目标句, 用大五人格量表NEO-FFI测量被试的人格特质。基于23个声学参数, 构建6种有监督分类器, 对相信和不信语音做自动分类, 获得的最高识别率为0.76。根据边际贡献值选出8个重要声学特征做后续分析。冗余分析和线性混合模型的结果显示, 不信比相信的语音有较高的基频均值、基频标准差、基频最小值、基频最大值、谐噪比, 以及较低的语速、谐波差H1–H2、基频扰动。同时, 相信和不信语音的声学特征差异受到人格维度的调节: 神经质调节基频均值、基频最小值、基频标准差; 外倾性调节基频均值和谐噪比; 开放性调节基频标准差。线性混合模型树的结果进一步显示, 大五人格整体上显著影响了相信和不信语音在基频均值、基频标准差、语速上的差异。


    Abstract: To investigate the acoustic characteristics of Putonghua speech conveying belief and disbelief, and the effects of the Big Five personality dimensions (Neuroticism, Extroverts, Openness, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness) on acoustic distinctions between these two attitudes, the scenarios were designed to elicit utterances in both tones of belief and disbelief from 47 participants. Their personality dimensions were measured using the Neuroticism Extraversion Openness Five-Factor Inventory (NEO-FFI). With six supervised classifiers, speech conveying belief and disbelief was identified on the basis of 23 acoustic features, achieving a maximum recognition accuracy of 0.76. Based on the SHapley Additive exPlanation (Shap) values, eight important acoustic features were selected for subsequent analyses. Redundancy analysis and linear mixed model showed that, compared to belief speech, disbelief speech exhibited higher mean, standard deviation, minimum, and maximum values of fundamental frequency, as well as harmonic-to-noise ratio. In addition, disbelief speech showed lower speech rate, harmonic difference (H1–H2), and Jitter. These acoustic distinctions, however, were moderated by the personality dimensions: Neuroticism affected the mean, minimum and standard deviation of fundamental frequency, while Extroversion influenced the mean fundamental frequency and harmonic-to-noise ratio, and Openness impacted the standard deviation of fundamental frequency. Linear mixed model trees further revealed that the Five Big personality traits significantly modulated the differences in the mean fundamental frequency, the standard deviation of fundamental frequency, and the speech rate between the utterances conveying belief and disbelief.


